人新世の「資本論」 斎藤幸平著 2020/09/22 集英社新書

人新世の「資本論」 斎藤幸平著 2020/09/22 集英社新書



本書の内容は、視点もいいし、そのとおりだと思います。今、そして昨日も、明日もアクション(行動・実践)をするときだし、「戻れない時点(Point of no return)」(だった)かもしれません。誰も「昨日」や「明日」でアクションをすることはできません。いつ行動するの?今でしょ、ということです。では、どうすれば3.5%(社会を変えるための人数)になれるのでしょうか。私は半世紀、そのきっかけを探してきました。情けない話です。震災も9.11もそのきっかけにはなりませんでした(まだわかりませんが)。新型コロナウィルスもきっかけにはなりそうもありません。「危機便乗資本主義」で、私たちは「危機」に慣れっこになってしまっています。オオカミ少年の話ですね。多くの人が必死に生きながら生活は良くならないどころか悪くなる一方で、明日をも知れない状況なのにSNSは(マスコミ等も)現政権に対する批判に満ちているだけです。現政権を認める人とお互いに不満を投げあってガス抜きをした気になっているように思われます。その根本問題を見事に描いている点で本書は素晴らしいと思います。それらは半世紀前ならば多くの若者や識者に共有されていたものですが。それが著者のような若い(?)世代につながっていることは嬉しい限りです。














It's a great book. A little less than 400 pages in the new book. That alone made me think that I could buy it. (^ _ ^;)

It seems that it is selling quite well. The fact that this book sells may not mean that Japan has abandoned it yet. I also recommend it to my professor (Ryuichi Sakamoto) (I've been a fan of professors for 40 years).

It is wonderful that the author is involved in the compilation of MEGA. I can't beat Marx with bad writing, but it's difficult to decipher documents that I can't read (I heard that he was involved in cryptanalysis in the Soviet era. Is it deep learning now?) .. Will there be a Japanese version of MEGA? It won't come out. Even if it comes out, there are hundreds of thousands of books. The old complete works (Werke), both the dietz version and the Otsuki version, were affordable to workers. However, MEGA has a high original document. So it is the privileged class that can know the late Marx. In this book as well, the author may have wanted to quote from MEGA, but only from WERKE (there is a reference to "Drafts"). To put it the other way around, WERKE also understands "Marx's ecology", and there is such research. The "North-South problem" has a long history, and the environmental problem has become a global recognition (?), And various studies have been conducted on "letter to Zasulich" and "criticism of the Gotha Code". is taken up by Negri Hart as a central concept, and Harvey and Graeber also speak and write from their respective positions. What's great about this book is that it reconstructs them from the perspective of late Marx. And at the same time, I think they have the same problems.

The content of this book has a good perspective, and I think that's right. Now, yesterday, and tomorrow, it's time to take action (action / practice), and it may be the "Point of no return" (was). No one can take action "yesterday" or "tomorrow". When do you act That's right now. So how can we reach 3.5% (the number of people to change society)? I've been looking for that opportunity for half a century. It's a pitiful story. Neither the earthquake nor 9/11 was the trigger (although I don't know yet). The new coronavirus is unlikely to be a trigger. With "crisis piggybacking capitalism", we have become accustomed to "crisis". It's a story about a wolf boy. While many people are desperately living and their lives are getting worse rather than getting better, SNS (including the media) is just full of criticisms of the current administration even though it may be tomorrow. It seems that he feels like he has vented the gas by throwing dissatisfaction with the person who admits the current administration. I think this book is wonderful in that it perfectly depicts the underlying problem. They were shared by many young people and intellectuals half a century ago. I'm glad that it leads to a younger (?) Generation like the author.

First is the title. The now-talked-about (?) Word is anthropocene, but the definition is not fixed, so the author's view should be clarified. Well, no matter how you define it, it doesn't affect the contents of this book, or I think the contents are the explanation of "Anthropocene". (I just read "new human beings". It's old. The author may not know.)

It is good to say that "capital theory" is a manifestation of intention to reconsider from the late Marx. But why should Marx not say it? Is it necessary? I often do it, but I bring a sentence saying that Marx says this. If it is not in Marx, I may bring out Nietzsche, Heidegger, Kitaro Nishida, Aristotle and Plato (^ _ ^;). It's authoritarian, isn't it? By taking out Marx, it is easy for people who know Marx (although not necessarily reading it) to accept it. It's completely different from "I think this way". So, I think people who actually read it will be attracted to it. (On the contrary, if you don't give Marx's name, you'll be told that it's Marx's plagiarism. (Laughs))

That's exactly what I'm talking about. Why is "authoritarianism" established? It's not that authoritarianism is bad (because our thoughts are nothing more than an inheritance of the legacy of the past, which is also a book / letter), but that is inevitable. Without letters, there would be no Plato, no Aristotle ... no Marx. You can see that. The author is wrestling with that character (Marx's manuscript), and this "book" is also a "character." That character gave birth to the "nation." Originally, the letters are said to have been used commercially. And I think it's outside the community (where the letters are used). It is a "space between" the community and the community. As Marx says (^ _ ^;), the market arises "at the end of the community, between the communities". Democracy also occurs there (Graeber). The nation takes them in and makes them as if they were their own. It is not surprising that it itself causes the destruction of the community. It's something different for the community, different from the logic of the community. Letters are objects of words that create subjects and objects, creating conflicts between self and others, and between humans and nature. Objectification (which can be called hostility) is a prerequisite for possession. It's an abstraction and a quantification. It enables commerce (market). Self-alienation (alienation) as self-loss also occurs from there. Both Ressentiment and nihilism arise from it. There is also a conflict between value in use and value. Technology (τεχνη) and art (ars). If you don't think about it, you won't see "salvation."

Then what should I do. Once you know the letters, it is almost impossible to escape from them. Don't decapitalism pre-capitalist (undeveloped, barbaric?). There have been various attempts to escape "individually" from the character culture, although it is not "return to nature". Paradoxically, they cannot be transmitted unless they become "letters". Telephones, televisions, movies, photographs, the Internet ... Electricity that is likely to replace water and air (^ _ ^;), they are the result of character culture. If you can throw them away, that's fine, but it's almost impossible (although it may be forced into such a situation due to an earthquake or natural disaster, everyone is trying to return to their original lives. I can't say, "Because it's a big deal, just leave it as it is"). There is no such thing as "sustainable economic development," and there can be no "degrowth within capitalism." It is detailed in this book. It is true that we aim for a "luxury society." It is necessary to be aware of "true affluence". Eastern Europe and Russia before 1990 cannot be said to be "luxury societies," but I think that was the case in a sense. But they simply abandoned it and sought "the abundance of poverty full of things." By the way, both Stalinism and Maoism originate from the character culture. Although it can lead to the denial of letters like the Cultural Revolution. We do not admit fascism. There is no choice but to recognize that it is the result of character culture and use it in reverse. Negation of characters by character culture. To deny it positively. It's Marx's dialectic. Fascism denied the letters negatively (I think Adorno, who says "denial of denial is denial", is wrong). The opposite is to move to another stage. It is "sublimation". I don't really know the specific method. Perhaps, just as individuals (also created by character culture) are different, I just think that there are many different ways to do it. Marx must read from that perspective. Marx brilliantly portrayed capitalism in "Capitalism." I have never seen economics (?) Beyond that. But capitalism was not written to affirm capitalism. I think it's a way of denying letters by letters.

(The pages devoted to value morphology and exchange process theory in capital theory (Volume 1) are only a part of the whole. After Marx's death, the controversy in Marxian economics is largely value theory and value. I think it was spent on morphology, exchange process theory, and monetary theory. I also thought, "If this were the case, I wish I had written it in more detail." But for Marx, I wanted you to read the part of the document such as working days. A letter to Dr. Marx. Was it just a feeling of giving up that the workers would not understand?)

I don't know the philosopher who denied the letters. That's right. Most of them find it worthwhile to write. Denying it means denying one's actions. Not only philosophy, but also economics and sociology, 99.999% of what is called scholarship is not negative about writing letters (some ancient Greek literature, letters in the books of those who affirmed writing) The philosopher who did not write is written "negatively"). Linguists who are negative about letters have appeared around 2000, but at the end they run away saying, "People who learned letters and those who grew up in a letter culture cannot escape from that culture." I'm thinking of running away (laughs). And say. "You have to be aware." I think the attitude of this book is the same.

The question is how individuals judge (value) and act out. But it should not be forced. I think that more information that can be used as a basis for judgment should be presented as in this book, but the freedom to deny the value judgment of others is the same as the freedom of individual value judgment. It is nothing but fascism to force others to say "I am right". Even so, I think that forcing (forced violence is required) by saying "to protect the earth" is logically the same as "to protect Japan" and "to protect the Germanic people." (I think that "understanding" and "understanding" are also character cultures. What is "understanding a picture"? I hate being asked to "explain this picture". I don't like the novelist who said, "Please explain the novel." Well, I think there are more and more writers who explain it to me these days.)

The effectiveness of the new coronavirus vaccine is unknown. The effective rate is shown numerically, but it's not the rate I don't get. Some people may say that my value judgment is annoying. Value judgment (good or bad) cannot be expressed numerically, and it is not possible to have "scientific evidence" (science, technology, techne is a character culture. "Open technology, knowledge, information" You need to be careful when you say it).

People who do not write books cannot read philosophical books. But your parents, grandparents, people in the neighborhood, ramen shop father, Yakult sales obasan ... I think "I'm saying something strange" or "It's not quite deep", but the important thing is Isn't it the opinion of such a "person who hasn't written a book"? Of course, it is also important to know the culture that does not have letters. There are many research books and introductory books, but few of them are more than "interpreted in the culture of letters". Many of them are a mixture of "interesting", "scared things", "nostalgia", and "superiority complex" (non-Western as seen by Westerners). It is difficult to describe a culture without letters (oral culture). It's the same as not being able to escape from the letters. Even if you can't fully understand it, you can get as close as you can.

You can study a language that is not your mother tongue. But you will never be "native". I think it is necessary to live, live there, and eat what is there. And think and talk in those words. Words do not exist separately from the land, the people who live there. It is not "0" or "1". I can say "Konichiha" or "Hello". English is not zero anymore. But it is far from "1". Character culture created "printing," television and movies, and the Internet. The letters replaced the words with 26 letters (in the alphabet). Now it is abstracted (objectified) to "0" and "1" on the computer. The "0" and "1" created the grammar and common language. They are "digital" approximations of "analog" and denial of language by letters. I think that environmental problems are human denials due to technology.

If there is no language, there are no letters. Without humans, there is no technology. I think we are in the ultimate self-denial. But I think there is only hope there. A language separated from the land, a language grammaticalized by the character culture, in which we were born and grew up on television, movies and the Internet. In Japan, it is a "common language" (I think it is a "standard language"), and regions can communicate regardless. Even if you can't become a native speaker, you can learn a foreign language if you are grammatically prepared. I am accustomed to communicating in "letter culture". You can't deny that, and you can't escape. That's why we use it.

To control the "tool" of letters, not to be dominated by letters. The potential for a revolution is there.


斎藤幸平(さいとう こうへい)
Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism:Capital,Nature,and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy (邦訳『大洪水の前に』)によって権威ある「ドイッチャー記念賞」を日本人初歴代最年少で受賞。


気候、マルクス、人新世。 これらを横断する経済思想が、ついに出現したね。日本はそんな才能を待っていた!
「マルクスへ帰れ」と人は言う。だがマルクスからどこへ行く?斎藤幸平は、その答えに誰よりも早くたどり着いた。 理論と実践の、この見事な結合に刮目せよ。

地球を〈コモン〉として管理する/〈コモン〉を再建するためのコミュニズム/新解釈! 進歩史観を捨てた晩年のマルクス
第8章 気候正義という「梃子」

坂本龍一 第9回 「禁煙」について言いきる https://openers.jp/lounge/5203

坂本龍一 第7回 「女性」について言いきる https://openers.jp/lounge/4733

坂本龍一 第5回 「エコ」について言いきる https://openers.jp/lounge/4586

坂本龍一 第10回 「英語」について言いきる https://openers.jp/lounge/5204

坂本龍一 第8回 「エコのファッション化」について言いきる https://openers.jp/lounge/4734













具体的な「もし」(what if...)が既存の秩序を受け入れてしまう想像力の貧困を克服し、資本の支配に亀裂を入れる。(P.295)



Lauderdale Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of public wealth


人新世の「資本論」 斎藤幸平著 2020/09/22 集英社新書 [拡大]

[ ISBN-13 : 978-4087211351 ]

